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Founder & CEO


Before I founded DIP'd Nail Powders, I was actually in a tough place in my life! I had studied years to become a doctor but when I fell pregnant and my daughter was born 3 months prematurely, I had to drop out of my master's program and suddenly it seemed my dream was out of reach. I left school and went to work.


My little girl, then a one pound baby, fighting for survival in the NICU, was now four years old, healthy, and strong. With her and every other female who has ever faced an obstacle in mind, I made a decision to go back and finish what I had started years ago, and so... I did.


After completing my Master's Degree in Medical Sciences it was time to give applying to medical school another shot. While I waited to hear back, I really focused on self-care and honoring myself for what I had been through and overcome thus far in my life.  This is when I realized how expensive it was to go to the nail salon every two weeks despite the process of getting your nails dipped being actually quite simple! So true to my nature, I went to work to stand up for females and build a brand that would give females the luxury of salon quality nails without spending $100 every 2-3 weeks like I was!  

Through DIP'd we are committed to not just deliver a smart and affordable product

but also to use our platform to empower, inspire, and uplift.

- Hello Beautiful & Welcome to DIP'd -

About: About Us


Composed of merely shattered glass whose broken pieces, now come together, each finding a unique purpose in the greater design.


Each individual piece reflects its own distinct light and collectively, an extraordinary glass is formed, more beautiful, rich in color and light, than the glass that had never been broken.


It is important to understand that, like the mosaic, adversity, if used properly and truly understood for its purpose, was not meant to leave us broken, but to make us extraordinary.

Love, Joselyn 

Founder & CEO 

About: About Us
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